Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I'm sure a lot of us download free romance novels to read because there are SO very many of them out there. And then the little guys breed like rabbits in our eReaders. Why don't we share our reviews/impressions so we can find the best ones to read?

1. Read a free romance book (this was started for legally free eBooks, but you can count anything gifted, borrowed, ARC, etc!)
2. Review it on your blog. If you can and it's still available, share the link to the free book.
3. Link back here by using the code below.
4. Leave your link to the specific blog post (NOT your main site) in a comment here or on the recent week's TF post.
5. Delight in reading reviews by real people who's likes/dislikes you can compare to and thus find a romance you most likely will enjoy :D 

Mac Flynn - http://macflynn.com
Format: Kindle eBook (free at the moment) at amazon
Dates Read: July 4-6
Official Blurb: Abby Lee and her friend Susie Baker leave their boring, stressful office jobs for two weeks of fun and relaxation at the Gardens, a mountain resort that advertises itself as the next Fountain of Youth. Sparks fly when Abby gets her first look at the handsome manager and owner of the Gardens and he insists the promise of youth is true, but doubts nag her and howls haunt her nights. She finds herself falling for the sexy manager, but what secrets does he hide behind those beautiful blue eyes?

I like the development in this! The lovers meet at least twice before they get it on, which makes it feel believable. There’s enough meat in Abby’s interactions with other people to feel rather flashed out, and the side characters aren’t just there to bounce off dialogue. The one thing that threw off my groove was that I liked Scott until he said THE THING. I won’t mention it here, but more than likely you’ll know it when you see it, ugh. He didn’t have as much characterization as Abby, Susie, or Linda, so maybe there’s more to him, like something in his past that gave him that biased thinking? Hoping it’s an opportunity for him to grow as a person, but we’ll see. And by that I mean I shall be investing in another part soon, just need to whittle my TBR list a little more. Kinda short for a book on its own, perhaps only 45min-1 hour? The sex was so-so, and I wonder if it’ll get better later. Also wondering how the wolf thing is going work itself in, and hopeful it’ll be as interesting as the rest of the story, not just a maguffin kind of thing. 

Rating: 3 stars

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