Monday, September 7, 2015

September: The Space/Future Month! [also MEME - Musing Mondays]

Greetings readers!

I've been trying to have some kind of cohesion to my reading, but really, I just pick something that looks interesting on my kindle list and go for it. And, whether it be a good (never bored) or bad (zillion 'in progress' reads) thing, I switch around and take longer than expected to finish too many books. I think that's why I have over 15 books on my Currently Reading list, eesh. So I mentioned on my latest STS post that I should try to maintain my reading to four categories, though I may not be able to only do just one each, it should help:

1. review request/Net Galley
2. Tuesday Flirtations
3. for fun
4. physical book

But I was thinking that I should add a fifth, though if it works into the others, that's cool too. A monthly theme, really. Therefore, September's shall be a space/future theme!

Gorgeous, isn't it? Four reasons for why:

First, I just finished The Martian, and I'm a mood for similar stuff. Woo Mars!

Second, on Sept 23, 1846, the planet Neptune was discovered. Lovely sapphire color!

Third, on Sept 23, 1962, "The Jetsons" premiered. Super cool optimistic future things, but harsh when you consider the reason they lived up so high was to get away from the pollution, eep!

Fourth, on Sept 8, 1966, Star Trek the Original Series premiered. Thank you Great Bird of the Galaxy for giving us so much to look forward to!

So there ya go! Now I feel more organized to try my hand at a Musing Mondays post!

I’m currently reading…
(per new category system)

1. review request/Net Galley - Chaos Company
2. Tuesday Flirtations - Torrid 1, Captive in the Dark
3. for fun/next in series - ?
4. physical book - In the Hand of the Goddess
5. Space/Future theme - Traitor

Up next I think I’ll read…
Abducted to Love
Silent Invasion
A Princess of Mars
Fates Divided

I bought the following book(s) in the past week…

I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
Can't wait to to review on The Martian!

I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
Nothing this week.

I can’t wait to get a copy of…
Anything on my TBR list. But hoping to get maybe something with a sub Alpha male. I kinda want to keep writing my story of such a guy a little further along first though. I'd like to see where I go without fear of subconsciously copying someone else.

I wish I could read ___, but…
More things! I don't know if I'll be able to handle all this stuff in September!

I blogged about ____ this past week…
Just reviews :/ I need to force inspiration for more discussion posts, I think. Hmm.

As a side note, that space nebula is a pic of the Tarantula nebula in case you're curious :] 

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